Podcast 2021.06 One With Everything

Spiritual psychedelia (even if it is a punchline). The music in this episode all tends toward the spiritual. This episode leads off
Spiritual psychedelia (even if it is a punchline). The music in this episode all tends toward the spiritual. This episode leads off
Reissues, Compilations & Archival Recordings Released in 2020 Labels and bands look through their back catalogs, often finding gems to reissue or
It’s Super Bowl Sunday and what better way to mark the occasion than with some new psychedelia? Actually only two of the
Last year saw a steady stream of new 1960s garage/psych compilations. New comps fell into two categories: obscure international psychedelia or more
Some weird and unusual noises from recent weeks. This music comes from a variety of places, staring off with Miminokoto from Japan
This year is already starting out as strangely as the year we left behind but already some cool music has come out.
How do you conclude a year like 2020? I’ve already posted my “Best of 2020” compilation, but I wanted to close out
One of the bright spots of this year of quarantine was that a lot of great music was released. I started the
What a strange year this has been. I’m sure we could all list several things that have been terrible, but the psychedelia
One of the best discoveries of the year for me has been Psychedelic Source Records. Over the course of the year, I’ve