This two-hour episode is divided into three parts. The opening sets are recent psychedelia, followed by a few archival releases including one from the Beatles latest super deluxe box set of Revolver. The last set is extended, mainly improvised tracks. The theme of this episode is the “Paul is dead” rumor.
time | artist | title |
00:22 | The Landscape | The Stair |
05:20 | The Flower Machine | Painting Black Rainbows |
07:17 | Split Moon | Feel Free |
14:26 | Aming | Mind Cloud |
18:27 | Los Palms | Scared Of Saturday Nights |
21:13 | Solar Corona | Parker S.P. |
26:34 | Morningface | Are You Gonna Set Me Free |
30:00 | Space Shepherds | Life On Terra |
38:42 | Bhopal's Flowers | Byrd Of The Tree |
42:39 | The Dandy Chainsaw Massacre | Loud Sonic Dharmadelica |
46:35 | Andrew Thomas Jacobs | Bend to the Fire |
Archival Releases | ||
51:35 | The Beatles | Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1) |
55:29 | The Heads | False Heavy (Peel Session) |
1:01:06 | Suzuki Junzo | Chi No Mure |
Extended Tracks | ||
1:16:40 | Robot God | Sleepwalking |
1:27:24 | Space Invaders | Freak Waves |
1:40:55 | Dos Brujos | Dahr I |

#AcidRock #Alternative #Ambient #ArtRock #ChineseUnderground #Cosmic #DIY #DesertRock #Doom #Drone #Electronica #Experimental #Fuzz #GarageRock #Heavy #HeavyPsych #Improvisation #IndieRock #Instrumental #Jam #Jangle #Krautrock #Lo-Fi #Motorik #NativeAmerican #Neopsychedelia #Noise #Post-punk #Prog #Psych #PsychRock #Psychedelic #PsychedelicPop #PsychedelicRock #RagaRock #Rickenbacker #Shoegaze #Sitar #SpaceRock #StonerRock #World
This episode also features a track from the compilation “Purple Haze From East Vol. 1” which collects 20 recordings from Chinese psychedelic and avant-garde artists. This compilation was recently released by WV Sorcerer Productions, which is based in France and China, but that’s about all I know about them. Through a brief exchange with them I discovered that they do plan to release a Vol. 2.
As I mentioned in a previous episode I’ve been running a lot this year and I took the picture that I used for the cover image of this episode while I was out running not too long ago. I was coming down a hill and noticed that someone had spray painted “MISS HIM” with an arrow on the pavement. I have no idea what that might mean but it put me in mind of the rumor that circulated in 1969 that Paul McCartney had died three years earlier and that the Beatles had replaced him with a lookalike. So not only is that the theme of this episode, the “Paul is dead” rumor is also where I got the name of the podcast itself–Turn Me On, Dead Man.
We’ll also hear a couple of other recent archival releases. After the Beatles I’ll be playing a Peel Session track from the Heads reissue of Under Sided. And then we’ll hear a live recording Suzuki Junzo made a few years ago. Junzo is still recovering from injuries he suffered earlier this year, although I haven’t heard any updates about him in a while. This live recording just surfaced last week on the Bandcamp page called We Love You, Junzo.
We survived an election in the US this week. One of the results of the midterm elections was that Colorado became the second state to legalize magic mushrooms. That, along with Maryland and Missouri legalizing marijuana, indicates that the “war on drugs” may be finally winding down.
⦾ The Landscape – The Stair (from Botanic Therapy, release date: September 6, 2022)
From Bandcamp: “Emerging from the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, The Landscape is arguably the loudest psychedelic rock band from Ukraine. The band combines the dynamics of grunge, soundscapes of shoegaze and a raw lofi sound.”
TMODM: What has had the strongest influence on Botanic Therapy?
TL: There were a few things which inspired Botanic Therapy, the first is the war in Ukraine, which really changed all of us in one way or another. Another is the death of my grandmother, she was a very close person and she meant a lot to me. The songs ‘Just Like Before’, ‘I’ll Be There For You’ and ‘5212’
TMODM: What record changed your life?
TL: When I first heard Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd, when I was around 8 years old, in my dad’s car, I decided that I wanted to become a musician. I loved the sound and it scared me at the same time. Then when my dad told me the legend of Syd Barrett, I was even more in love and scared.
TMODM: What’s next for you?
TL: Next we want to make shows to support Botanic Therapy, and promote it in different possible ways. Then we want to record the second album and release it in 2024.
TMODM: How are things in Kyiv these days as the war grinds on?
TL: It’s a bit tough in Kyiv, because we often have no light or no water, and the only way to escape the reality is music. It’s painful to read the news, seeing all the terrible things which russia does every day. But we all still have hope. I like to remember the lyrics of the song Just Like Before, it goes like this: “Come back, tomorrow will be better than today. Relax, nothing will be worse anyway”
⦾ The Flower Machine – Painting Black Rainbows (from Volume 5, release date: October 22, 2022)
From Bandcamp: “The Flower Machine is a 19-year-old Psych-Rock band. Started in Los Angeles in 2003. Now based in Morro Bay, CA.”
TMODM: What are you currently working on?
TFM: What we’re doing now is a new Flower Machine record, but one composed exclusively of super-obscure late-60s covers and related material…the same archaeological approach to reconstructing abandoned bootleg-type songs from the psych/prog era, but just on a grander scale. A guy in London who has an indie-psychedelic label invited me to undertake the project, and we’re about 85% done, so given a bit of luck it might be released in 2023.
TMODM: What’s next for you?
TFM: We’ll probably get back to playing shows (which we haven’t done since 2019), and I’m toying with the idea of recording a mellotron-only album that I would make by myself on an old 4-track Akai reel-to-reel that’s currently gathering dust in my sitting room.
⦾ Split Moon – Feel Free (from Gold-Diggers Live Session, release date: October 7, 2022)
Split Moon are Mark Starr – Guitar, vocals David Paolucci – Guitar, vocals Ryan Orvis – Bass guitar, vocals Tom Hernandez – Drums From the bio on Split Moon’s website: “Split Moon delivers a majestic storm of blissed-out space rock and driving shoegaze on their new release Gold-Diggers Live Session.”
TMODM: What had the strongest influence on Gold-Diggers Live Session?
SM: Well not sure that we had an influence. I know when we recorded that it was during the lockdown. So it certainly felt that maybe this was the new norm. Playing a club to no one and streaming the performance. Oddly enough I was just as anxious as I would have been playing a live show. So I would have to say influence wise was just to play like nothing had changed. We were going to be just as loud and dynamic as we would be in front of people.
TMODM: What record changed your lives?
SM: I certainly can’t speak for everyone on what record changed my life. Man that question is like what desert island album would you have. Well KISS changed everything for me as a kid. Made me want to play guitar and be in a band. Punk music made me feel I could actually be in a band and change the world. The Stooges Funhouse, Swervedriver Raise and Verve Storm in Heaven changed everything how I thought of my music direction first time hearing them way back in the day. Listening to them even today still gives me inspiration!!
TMODM: What’s next for you?
SM: We are finally finishing up our new LP which we have been working on since the pandemic started. Which will be on Ghost Tower Records. So I can’t wait for that to be done. Working on new material as well. Hoping to get out and play soon.
⦾ Aming – Mind Cloud (from Purple Haze From East Vol. 1, release date: November 22, 2022)
WV Sorcerer Productions 巫唱片 is an avant-garde esoteric music label based in France & China. About 紫氣東來 Purple Haze From East Vol.1: “Featuring the selected works of ten psychedelic bands and experimental musicians from all over China, including veteran musicians and new names, with a total length of over two hours. This compilation presents a new landscape of Chinese underground music, a journey through the realm of reality and imaginary.”
⦾ Los Palms – Scared Of Saturday Nights (from Skeleton Ranch, release date: November 25, 2022)
Los Palms are a 5 Piece Romantic Desert Jangle band from Adelaide, Australia.
TMODM: What had the strongest influence on Skeleton Ranch?
LP: 1960s Peruvian rock n roll. We wanted to create something that puts the listener in a different space and a different time, different feelings and emotions. It’s gritty, drenched in reverb, but also kinda heartbreaking and romantic too. We seem to get a lot of comments after shows from people bringing mentioning Tarantino movies etc. Good melody with a dark touch. Bands like Los Saicos, Los Holy’s, Los Destellos whose bands we pay homage to in our band name Los Palms.
TMODM: What record changed your life?
LP: Oh geez, how do you even answer that?! For me personally, probably my earliest memory of music as a kid. So I’d say “the planets” by Gustav Holst. As a kid I remember hearing the music and thinking “why do I feel sad?” Or “why do I feel brave?” Etc. And maybe that’s where this all comes from? Really trying to write music that gives you different feels? I dunno…
TMODM: What’s next for you?
LP: Right now, just starting to focus on writing and recording the second record. Getting some vids done etc. I think a big goal is to eventually get ourselves overseas, but right now just super stoked and excited to release Skeleton Ranch through the legends at Fuzz Club Records. We hope everyone enjoys it, we are all hella proud of this piece of work!
⦾ Solar Corona – Parker S.P. (from Pace, release date: November 11, 2022)
Solar Corona are José Roberto Gomes, Nuno Loureiro, Peter Carvalho and Rodrigo Carvalho, based in Barcelos, Portugal.
TMODM: What had the strongest influence on Pace?
SC: I think we all agree that the departure of Julius Gabriel (sax) and the inclusion of Nuno Loureiro (dubs/synths) in the band set a new path to the the whole composition process. New brain, new instruments, new techniques, new ideas, new jams.
TMODM: What record changed your lives?
SC: I hope in a couple of months or years I can answer this question with “Pace” by Solar Corona. 😊 By now I can say “Meddle” by Pink Floyd was very very important for me.
TMODM: What’s next for you?
SC: As a band, we need to tour this record (eurotour will happen in april/may 2023) and work on new music. We have a side project called Solar Corona Elektrische Maschine, that is more of a electronic industrial/techno/dub setup and we’d like to work on that. That could be either an ambient record, a collection of clubbing bangers, a distorted mix of both…
⦾ Morningface – Are You Gonna Set Me Free (from Are You Gonna Set Me Free, release date: October 16, 2022)
From Bandcamp: “From the musical hub that is Portland, Maine comes Morningface, the (sort of) solo project of writer, producer and musician Kate Hummel.”
TMODM: What has had the strongest influence on your music?
KH: Death and wanting to live a little
TMODM: What record changed your life?
KH: Appetite for Destruction, that ended up with me getting an electric guitar, I liked Izzy, still do
TMODM: What’s next for you?
⦾ Space Shepherds – Life On Terra (from Seisiúin Prátaí Vol.1, release date: August 10, 2022)
Space Shepherds are: Gareth Hill – Guitar, bass (& drums) Tyrell Black – Guitar, bass David Malone – Drums (& guitar)
TMODM: What had the strongest influence on Seisiúin Prátaí Vol.1
SS: We had so many practice room recordings of jams we just felt like we had to release some to document our progress. Hopefully we will add a few higher quality recordings to this series, but it is a little snapshot of where we were at that day.
TMODM: What record changed your lives?
SS: In Search of Space by Hawkwind. The repetition, the deep grooves, the wild space sounds, the primal riffs. It’s barbarians with synthesisers and it’s great.
TMODM: What’s next for you?
SS: We recently recorded a few more jams with Niall Doran from Start Together Studios in Belfast so we will be mixing and releasing a new album as soon as we can. For now people can find us on our bandcamp and the usual social media sites (youtube, instagram etc).
⦾ Bhopal’s Flowers – Byrd Of The Tree (from Joy Of The 4th, release date: November 4, 2022)
Psychedelic Music from Montréal. Bhopal’s Flowers are: Lionel Pezzano : Vocals–Sitar–Electric / Acoustic 6 & 12 Strings Guitars–Tanpura–Bass–Piano–Fender Rhodes–Mellotron–Harpsichord–Organ–Xylophone–Ukulele – Mandolin – Percussions–Sound Effects–Hand clapping–Fisher Price Farm & Other Toys Blandine Pezzano-Miart: Backing vocals–Percussions–Tanpura Sergio d’Isanto: Drums–Congas–Hand clapping & Backing vocals on ‘Joy Of The 4th’ Jonathan St Laurent: Electric Bass Antoine Marquet: Transverse flute
TMODM: What had the strongest influence on Joy Of The 4th?
BF: The birth of my son, Noël, has unleashed the whole process of the composition and its production. The entire album transcribes the period of pregnancy and the first year as a father, marked by the magic of early childhood, its colors, its joy and its rejoicing. Another important influence on this record is the acoustic guitar Yamaha FG-12 Strings you can hear on the record. As I was looking for an acoustic 12 strings to complete our sound, in addition to the Rickenbacker 12 that jangles Bhopal’s Flowers sound,. A gentle soul named Luc Bessette gave me this jewel. All the songs you can hear on this album have been composed with this guitar. Talking about musical influences, SMILE! by Brian WIlson and Hindustani Music (especially the raga Saraswati) were omnipresent during the whole process. Finally, it seems to me important that I felt surrounded and influenced by guardian angels Anianuel & Leuviah, archangel Metatron & goddess Saraswati during the time I made this record.
TMODM: What record changed your lives?
BF: ”Memory Of Summer Days by Constantine” released in 2020 has been such a discovery to me, as I wasn’t very knowledgeable about psych-folk music, I really enjoyed the synthesis and the poetry of the majestic opus. ‘K’ by Kula Shaker, was for me a good source of inspiration when I was 15. OF course, the discography of The Byrds (first era) has given a big impulse to Bhopal’s Flowers’ new sound in 2018.
TMODM: What’s next for you?
BF: Going back on stage to perform our repertoire live. We’ll also record some video live sessions at the studio Mandragore. Regarding live shows, we had a big break since 2020, the covid of course, but also a line up changed due to the departure of our historic and former drummer, Jeremy Thoma. Since that day, I have been struggling to maintain a cohesion in our live team. Regarding recording projects, I have some Christmas tracks with a very strong hindi-psyche mood that I will probably release in 2023. For the rest, it is the music that will decide the directions that Bhopal’s Flowers will take, as I am enjoying the release of our new album, ”Joy Of The 4th”
⦾ The Dandy Chainsaw Massacre – Loud Sonic Dharmadelica (from Dharma’s sound, release date: October 1, 2022)
The Dandy Chainsaw Massacre is based in Milford, Connecticut.
TMODM: What had the strongest influence on Dharma’s Sound?
TDCM: For « Lound Sonic Dharmadelica », I was inspired by: – The BJM : in indian you – Jefferson Airplane: Spare Chaynge – Siloah: Road to larany – Govinda Namalu – Srinivasa Govinda Sri Venkatesa Govinda – BJM: Crushed
TMODM: What record changed your life?
TDCM: One albums that inspired me the most is « take it from the man (BJM) » But I have always listened to music from the 60s… So many greatest bands, it’s hard to choose. I love listening to « Nuggets » and « turds on a bum ride »albums
TMODM: What’s next for you?
TDCM: For now, I will continue to explore sounds and create vidéos. I’m also looking to add vocals. and in the end, to be broadcast on the radios, the web…
⦾ Andrew Thomas Jacobs – Bend to the Fire (from Dark Woods, release date: October 6, 2022)
From Bandcamp: Andrew Thomas Jacobs is a “Multi instrumentalist, vocalist, interdisciplinary artist and proud member of the Navajo Nation. I have abiding interest in surrealism and surrealistic expression. Stream of consciousness, automatic writing and oblique strategies. Play all the instruments if I can.”
TMODM: What are you working on? What’s next for you?
ATJ: I am currently working on something that is a little more esoteric. A decade ago my compositions tended toward 5-6 minutes in length and I made a concerted effort (over time) to make albums with shorter songs Le Petite Mort, Fail Safe, Parallax, Child Star, Blue Hides the Terror. I flirt with longer compositions, Flame, Soot and Smoke has a composition at almost an hour. I think now I will turn to longer songs (not necessarily an hour). But 5 or ten minutes might be nice. More room for expression and perhaps develop musical ideas. I think there has been an effort to make shorter songs for an audience and I am going to turn the page on that. Just let it flow to whatever length a song needs to be as well as maybe some different instruments. The piece I am working on now has instruments I rarely play. The Banjo! It can sound like a sitar or any number of asian string instruments. So a new album that explores new territory for me is one project. I also hope to get a grant locally to get back into doing some performance art. I was a performance artist and I did a lot of work in this vein 20 years ago. I was trained in drama and dance so it brings two of my disciplines together. I might also get the chance to display my visual art at the same venue. Maybe teach some classes and of course if I write and perform a show I get to score it musically. So a neat package I hope.
Archival Releases

⦾ The Beatles – Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1) (from Revolver [Super Deluxe Edition], release date: October 28, 2022, original release: 1966)
Take 1 of The Beatles’ psychedelic classic “Tomorrow Never Knows” features a different instrumentation and no tape loops but is just as trippy as the version on the original album.

⦾ The Heads – False Heavy (Peel Session) (from Under Sided [20th Anniversary Edition], release date: June 24, 2022, original release: 2002)
From Amazon: “Presenting a remastered, 20-year anniversary edition of The Heads’ third album proper, the under-rated gem in their canon that is Undersided! Originally released in 2002 on the Sweet Nothing label, Undersided was recorded in 2001 at WhiteHouse Studios in Weston Super Mare, with Martin Nichols engineering.For this reissue, the original recordings were remastered for vinyl and CD by long time Heads Masterer (!) Shawn Joseph. The resultant eight tracks are some of the best music the band have ever recorded, occurring after a bit of a hiatus following their 2000 US tour / Peel session (included in the boxset / on the 2xCD version here). The band then regrouped and worked out the tracks for Undersided, relentless rehearsing for the recording.This is a pounding sike-nightmare that shows The Heads at the peak of their powers. There’s a flow throughout the album of melding psychedelic noise rock to battering rhythms and creating a bad trip for all listening-even the gentle soothe of “Energy” is enveloped by a white noise fury, and the intensity of some of the other tracks, like the terror inducing “Bedminster” or “False Heavy” (a tour worn riffmonger from 2000) and the Magnet-esque “Heavy Sea,” showed the band as ferocious as any of the insurgent “stoner” genre bands of that time.”
⦾ Suzuki Junzo – Chi No Mure (from Nutclough Tavern 2013, release date: November 4, 2022)
In February 2022, Junzo fell from a train platform in Tokyo and was rendered unconscious. Junzo suffered intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage. He regained consciousness and is now in a rehabilitation hospital. Junzo cannot access his own Bandcamp or PayPal right now so the Bandcamp page We Love You Junzo has been set up by his friends Tabata Mitsuru & Ned Netherwood to support him.
Extended Tracks
⦾ Robot God – Sleepwalking (from Worlds Collide, release date: September 16, 2022)
Robot God are a Psych Space Stoner Rock band from Sydney Australia who offer a powerful blend of space rock, traditional stoner and psychedelia.
TMODM: What are you currently working on?
RG: We are working on around 8 new songs we are looking to record in early 2023.
TMODM: What’s next for you?
RG: We have 2 some shows book before Xmas and then we’ll have a mini tour organised here in Australia in Feb/Mar. More details to come soon.
⦾ Space Invaders – Freak Waves (from Garden of the Wizard, release date: March 17, 2022)
Space Invaders are from Zofingen, Switzerland: Dora Gockel on Bass(Weltraum) Dennis Gockel: on Drums(Weltraum/Knall) Horst”Sunhair”Porkert on Synthesizer Baal Brain on Guitar (Weltraum/Knall) Mike Häfliger on Guitar(Space Bike)
TMODM: What had the strongest influence on Garden of the Wizard?
SI: Difficult question! we didn’t have any gigs (cuz of lock downs) we needed to see each other while we’re living all far from each. brainy (guit.) is living in kologne, dennis (dr.) and dora (bs) is living in soest, sunhair (synth.) from würzburg and i myself live in switzerland. we never rehearse cuz of that usually we just see each other when we have gigs. yes we missed to make music together!
TMODM: What record changed your lives?
SI: the records that changed our lives are probably all very different becuz we come (musically) all from different planets as youngsters and i don’t know what albums they were. i can only speak for myself: the first big change in my live was when i heard the beatles in the age of 8. which made me pick up the guitar and make music. but there where a lot of live changer, like hendrix when i was 12. band of gypsys was a enlightenment. and then there was piper at the gates of dawn (floyd), galactic zoo dossier (arthur brown) overnite sensation (zappa) and the mighty gong with they’re trilogie! and indian classical music and sure coltrane with trane’s blues and sweetsmoke just a poke.
⦾ Dos Brujos – Dahr I (from Dahr, release date: October 24, 2022)
From Bandcamp: “Dos Brujos is a DIY instrumental metal duo from Graz, Austria. We meet two or three times a month since January 2016 to jam the music we love. All our music are improvisations recorded live in our Hidden Lair and every song is and will be played only once.”
TMODM: What had the strongest influence on Dahr?
DB: Back in May when we recorded the Dahr session were listening a lot the last 2 Elder albums. Other bands like Om, Causa Sui and Sleep were always a big influence. On the metal side we were listening a lot of Disfear, Bölzer, Mgla and High on fire lately. We always had so many influences… from black metal to krautrock, classic rock, old school death metal, d-beat… Oh, and Lord Mantis discography, they were always on repeat Non music stuff like old paintings, we use some for our covers and ancient history, Armin is finishing a phd in classic history and we always chat about what old texts he is reading in between the jams
TMODM: What record changed your lives?
DB: If I had to choose 1 that fits both of us at the moment I would say Exercises in Futility by Mgla. But 7 years ago when I decided to start a jam band It was Causa Sui from Denmark, when I saw them live I thought “that’s what I would love to play”, so Causa Sui Summer sessions”
TMODM: What’s next for you?
DB: I moved back to Spain 2 months ago so We are trying to play online through Jamkazam once a month. We will meet twice a year personally as well and keep jamming. At some point we would like to “Stream the Jam”…