With this episode of the Turn Me On, Dead Man podcast I’m back to recent garage/psych releases. Opening this set is “Earth on the Verge of Destruction” by The Uplifting Bell Ends, which put me in mind of The Day the Earth Stood Still.
00:00 TMODM – Intro
00:53 The Uplifting Bell Ends – Earth on the Verge of Destruction
04:36 TMODM – Such Power Exists?
04:57 Ringo Deathstarr – Tambourine Girl
09:34 White Hills – A Picture Unto the World
18:39 TMODM – KL93
19:01 Clavicule – Asshole
23:18 Satorinaut – Atropine II
32:54 Caroline Reza – Heart Healing
34:16 TMODM – The Robot’s on the Loose
34:46 Trip Hill – Improvisation 1
38:35 Shroom Eater – Intro/The Illusion
45:34 TMODM – Get That Message to Gort
45:59 The Writhing Squares – Sonic Control
51:57 Dope Smoker – Severn
58:12 TMODM – Gort Run Amok

The Uplifting Bell Ends – Earth on the Verge of Destruction [from Super Giant & World Music Oddities, released July 03, 2020]
Ringo Deathstarr – Tambourine Girl [from Levitation Sessions, released July 03, 2020]
White Hills – A Picture Unto the World [from A Point in Time, released June 05, 2020]
During the COVID-19 quarantine White Hills have been putting out EPs of previously unreleased tracks from their archive. “A Picture Unto The World” is from A Point in Time, the third of the Quarantine EP Series. I corresponded with Dave W. about how things have been going for them.
TMODM: This has been such a strange year. How are things going for you in this time of unrest and COVID-19?
DW: Yes it’s a strange time indeed. Personally, I’m just taking it one day at a time. Think it’s the only thing any of us can do at the moment. No point in thinking too far ahead as what will happen in the future depends on our actions today. The longer people act selfishly the longer it will take getting the greater society back to a new functioning state, whatever that state may look like.
This situation has really exposed the greed heads for what they are and that their ways of control and manipulation are not sustainable. If people begin to realize that this pandemic is the natural symbiotic outcome of callous human indifference towards nature and our place within it, then we can and will be able to heal what needs to be healed. In the same respect when society can understand that Black Lives Matter is the outcome of decades and decades of systemic racism towards people of color, and that no matter what the color of your skin is, or what your sexual or gender orientation is and so on…then and only then will we as a society be able to heal and fix these injustices.
It’s a time we need to re-think and re-image on a personal and societal level. I do feel optimistic that out of this mess things will be better for all. Greater acceptance, understanding, kindness, equality and the like. The road to this will be a bumpy one, it won’t happen overnight, but we will get there.
TMODM: What’s next for you if/when life returns to normal?
DW: Well…we have a new album coming out this fall. All of the touring we were scheduled to do for 2020 in order to support the album has been pushed back to 2021. Guess I’ll just have to continue taking things one day at a time until we get there to see what happens.
Clavicule – Asshole [from Garage Is Dead, released June 12, 2020]
TMODM: This has been such a strange year. How are things going for you in this time of unrest and COVID-19?
CLAVICULE: 2020 was a very paradoxical year for us. We were lucky to release our first album “Garage Is Dead” which was released on Beast Records and Open Up and Bleed Records which we are very proud of. But we also had to cancel many of the great shows we were expecting. We can therefore sum up the year with these two words: pride and frustration.
TMODM: What’s next for you if/when life returns to normal?
CLAVICULE: When the situation returns to normal we hope to be able to play hard to finally defend our album. Since we cannot go on tour, we take the time to compose what will be our second album. Maybe this one will have the chance to have a normal life ^^
Satorinaut – Atropine II [from Action Brings Good Fortune, released June 18, 2020]
Bence Ambrus plays guitar in Satorinaut and is also a member of Lemurian Folk Songs (featured on Turn Me On, Dead Man Podcast 2020.03). I asked him how he divides his time between his various projects. He replied, “Lemurian Folk Songs is the ‘main’ band, and all of other projects are side projects with some member-switch. For example, with Lemurian we do normal rehearsal with not so much jam, but with Satorinaut or Liquidacid we almost only jam. So one time a week we do Lemurian one time Satorinaut, and we jam the rest of the time, or sleep etc… You can check it out at psychedelic source records, where there is a lot of random jam also.”
Caroline Reza – Heart Healing [from Eternity, released July 06, 2020]
Trip Hill – Improvisation 1 [from Afternoon of free Improvisation, released April 20, 2020]
I corresponded with Fabrizio Cecchi of Trip Hill from Florence, Italy.
TMODM: This has been such a strange year. How are things going for you in this time of unrest and COVID-19?
FC: Mine is a one-man-band project that I have been running for 25 years. I have never done a live, unlike previous punk experiences where I played a lot live, so in this period Covid 19 I had no problems bringing my recordings, on the contrary I found myself a lot of free time. In Italy where I live the first period of the virus was very hard but now we are recovering, but many economic problems are coming forward.
TMODM: Who are your main influences?
FC: Musically my influences have changed over these long years. From the psychedelic rock of the beginning I got very close to free improvisation, but also to jazz to drones music to oriental music. All my references look to the past: from the United States of America joseph Byrd, Red Crayola, White Noise Delia Derbyshirewhite, Gruppo Di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza, Ultimate Spinach, Neu! etc…
Shroom Eater – Intro/The Illusion [from AD.INVENTUM, released June 09, 2020]
Shroom Eater is a stoner band from Bogor, Indonesia.
TMODM: This has been such a strange year. How are things going for you in this time of unrest and COVID-19?
SE: We as a band had nothing to do like live performance for an unspecified time but we prepared for next album in 2021.
TMODM: Has life in Indonesia been as disrupted as anywhere else?
SE: We are back to new normal, for now at least. Indonesia has rules for covid19 protocol.
TMODM:What’s next for you if/when life returns to normal?
SE: Maybe we gotta some kick ass and perform live! haha
The Writhing Squares – Sonic Control [released June 12, 2020]
I corresponded with Daniel Provenzano of The Writhing Squares.
TMODM: This has been such a strange year. How are things going for you in this time of unrest and COVID-19?
DP: We are fortunate enough to still be living comfortably. It’s been a very fruitful time for writing and recording. The Sonic Control CD-R really just flew together, a lot faster than some of our other releases, so we have definitely been in a pretty productive zone.
TMODM: What’s next for you if/when life returns to normal?
DP: We’ve been working on tons and tons of new material for a new full length release. We’ve got a whole new recording space and setup, so we are trying to really expand on everything we’ve done or wanted to do with this band. If/when life returns to normal, we’re looking forward to getting it out there and playing live again.
Dope Smoker – Severn [from Zeroin, released June 05, 2020]
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