Here’s a well made documentary about The Replacements called Color Me Obsessed.
Back in the day, when I lived in the Twin Cities, I saw The Replacements play several times. I would also see them around town occasionally. This movie reminded me of how I had wanted to say something to the band members–tell them how great they were–but when I had the opportunity I came up empty, I’m sorry to say. Around the time the Tim
came out I was coming out of the Washburn public library in south Minneapolis when Paul Westerberg rode up on a bicycle. I looked at him trying to think of something to say but I looked away when we made eye contact.
Not long after that I saw Bob Stinson in Shinder’s at 8th and Hennepin. Shinder’s is gone now, and last week on a trip to Minneapolis I passed by 8th and Hennepin when I was driving around with a friend. Downtown Minneapolis is a dynamic place and the Shinder’s location has been transformed. While it existed Shinder’s was one of the coolest places in Minneapolis. It was more than a little scuzzy, but that only added to its appeal. In the days before the Internet Shinder’s was where you could go to get newspapers and magazines from all over the world. Shinder’s also had a particularly large porn section. I remember seeing Bob Stinson walk out of the porn section with a copy of Shaved magazine. I ended up in line behind him and he was very courteous and friendly, as I recall. Again, I wanted to say something to him but I was at a loss for words, though for somewhat different reasons this time.
Color Me Obsessed does an excellent job not only of placing The Replacements
in the context of their time and place, but also in discussing their transcendent qualities. The film features interviews with a wide range of musicians, critics and fans and is so well edited that it took me a while to realize that no Replacements music is used in the film. At times during the film the interviewees articulate many of the same feelings I had–and still have–about this band, things I wish I could have expressed to the band members during those chance encounters.